
Migraines from 2015-2025


Tue 1st dec from mid afternoon until mid afternoon Wed

Thu 10th dec from 10pm until 4pm Fri during workout [likely had caffeine the day before around noon - 34hrs]

Wed 16th dec from 7pm until 9am Thurs [likely had caffeine the day before around 4:30pm - 27hrs]

Thu 24th dec from 7am until 9am (had 2 glasses of red wine the night before + a cold)

Thu 31st dec from 6pm until ~9am fri


Wed 6th jan gradually increasing from noon kicking in fully around 3:30pm until 10pm

Wed 2nd Mar gradually increasing from 8:15am.......... kicking in fully around 2pm until 4:35pm (after an intense warm up) [likely had caffeine on the Monday around 4:30pm - 40hrs]

Fri 4th Mar woke up to it from 5am kicked in fully at 11:30am. Went after intense warm up/workout). [likely had caffeine on the wed before around 4:30pm - 36.5hrs]

Fri 11th Mar woke up to it from 7am kicked it fully at 1pm. Went after intense warm up/workout). [had caffeine on the wed before around 3pm - 40hrs]

Tue 22nd Mar starting around 9pm intensifying by bedtime (10:30pm)... [had caffeine the day before around 4:30pm - 30hrs]

Wed 13th Apr started early hours of the morning and woke up with it at 6:30am. Went away after warm up around 3:15pm [had caffeine (XS) on the mon before around 3pm - 35hrs]

Wed 27th Apr started around 10:30am and never fully kicked in. Still a residual headache into the evening [had a coffee on the sun before around 11am]

Wed 4th May started early hours of the morning and woke up with it at 6:13am. Went during workout 3:30pm.

Wed 25th May woke up with a bit of a headache at 6:30am. Kicked in fully 10am. Went around 2:30pm (had double espresso at 2pm)

Tue 14th Jun began around 10pm. woke up with full one at 7am. Went around 3pm. (Had a coffee around 2pm)

Wed 20th July started around 10:30am, kicked in fully 11:30am. Went during workout 3:30ish.

Tue 26th July started around 10pm. Kicked in around 4:30am. Went around 1:30ish.

Wed 3rd Aug started around 9:30am, kicked in fully 10:30am. Went after the workout around 4:30pm.

***Suspected shrugs was causing it. Left out he shrugs on Mon 8th and no headache Wed 10th.***

Wed 17th Aug started around noon, kicked in fully 1pm. Reduced a bit after the workout around 4:30pm but still a residual spaced out feeling at 7:30pm. Didn't do shrugs on the Monday but did 5 more reps of deadlift.

Tue 23rd Aug started to develop mid-late afternoon but not kicking in fully until Wed early morning upon waking. Only did 2 sets of DL and no shrugs on Mon, no caffeine. Went around 8am Wed.

Wed 21st Sept started around 4:30am (woke me up), kicked in fully 7:30am. Took 500mg paracetamol didn't really help. Drank XS on Monday. Had some dessert wine tue night.

***Wed 12th Oct woke up with it, never fully kicked in though. *Suspected carrying home the heavy shopping Tuesday stressing out the traps causing tension headaches***

Thu 13th Oct started around 3pm, kicked in fully 7:30pm.

Wed 19th Oct started early hours of the morning (4-5am?), woke up with it in full force at 6:25am! Went during workout 3pm (had an XS and double espresso).

Thu 20th Oct started around 11am... never quite kicked in. Completely gone by 1:30pm. Started coming back around 5pm, gone by 8pm.

Wed 9th Nov around 1am during sleep...

Tue 15th Nov started around 10pm, kicked in around 4am, had to take 600mg ibuprofen at 7am!

Tue 22nd Nov started around 9:30pm kicked in around 3am, had to take 600mg ibuprofen at 3:15am!

Fri 25th Nov woke up with it, kicked in fully around 11am. Went to spa the afternoon before and was falling asleep in sauna (head dropping down, stress on neck muscles). went by end of warm up around 3:15pm.

Wed 30th Nov woke up with it, kicked in fully around 1pm. Went around 3pm (after double espresso and XS @ 2pm).

Treating neck muscles... 4th dec 2016

Mon 18th & Thu 22nd Dec developed throughout the day intensifying by evening.


Sun 8th Jan 2017 started around noon and gradually increased throughout the day. Kicked in fully by 4pm. Still residual on waking on 9th but cleared by around mid morning.

Wed 18th Jan woke me up at 4:45am, full on! Body temperature 37.4°. Went away during workout around 3:30pm.

Tue 31st Jan, started very mildly around 5pm, becoming more pronounced around 8pm. Kicked in fully around 9:30pm. Drank 200ml water with 4 pinches of Himalayan salt. Didn't help any, had a bad night's sleep and woke up with a full blown headache. Went after about 30 mins of waking.

Wed 8th Feb woke up to it full blown around 6:30am. Went away after warm up around 3:15pm.

***Always eat Mexican Monday night. Suspect the spicy food and subsequent multiple diarrheas on Tuesdays causes dehydration which results in these headaches. So Mon 13th Feb no Mexican and no headache Tue/Wed***

Fri 17th feb started around 3am the night before (16th), kicked in fully around 1pm. Had spicy beef jerky on the 16th. Went during warmup of workout around 3:30pm.

Tue 7th mar, very mild symptoms starting around 8:30pm, woke up at 6:15am on Wed 8th with full on headache... went away close to the end of my workout.

Thu 16th mar, very mild symptoms starting around 6:30pm, woke up at 6:07am on Fri 17th with full on headache... went away around 7:30/8am.

Tue 21st Mar, very mild symptoms starting around 6:30pm, gradually intensifying throughout the evening but never fully kicking in. Woke up fine the next morning.

Tue 4th April, started mildly around 3pm, kicked in fully around 7:30pm worsening around 9:30pm... suffered from it all night, woke up with even more intense headache at 6:13am. Took ibuprofen.

Tue 11th April, started very mildly around 9:20pm, woke up with it around 6:15am, started to intensify around 8:30am. Kicked in fully around 10am. Went away about 10mins after double espresso and XS 2:10pm.

Tue 18th April, started very mildly around 8:30pm, intensifying around 9:30pm. woke up with it full on at 4:15am for a pee, still full on at 6:20am upon waking. Gradually subsiding throughout the morning and pretty much gone by 12:45pm.

***suspected that the high volume/high intensity training on Mondays 3-4:30pm might be causing it, so on mon 24th I kept the same volume but didn't work to failure on any of the sets and no headache came tue 25th/26th***

Didn't get headache the following week.

The Monday after trained with a bit more intensity and:

Tue 2nd May started around 7:30pm, woke up at 4:20am with it full on. Went away mid morning.

***1RM testing on mon 8th, ~same no. of sets but lower overall volume (less reps) high intensity.***

Tue 9th started around 9pm woke up at 3:15am with it full on. Went away about 10mins after double espresso and XS 2:10pm.

***mon 15th training, just 4 sets instead of 5, no headache the following Tue 16th***

Thur 18th started around 11:40am. Kicked in fully around 12:30pm. Currently doing RFL and had a very high intensity eccentrics workout the day before.

Tue 23rd May started around 3pm kicked in fully around 6pm. Became unbearable around 8pm, had to take 600mg ibuprofen. Only did 4 sets on Monday but pulled a muscle in RS neck and DOMS in upper traps.

Fri 9th June (on holidays) started around midnight, woke up to it full on on Sat 10th. Did a fairly intense workout (running and weights) on Thur 8th finishing around 11:45am (~36 hours post workout). Had to take ibuprofen at 5pm.

Thu 3rd Aug started around 1pm kicked in fully around 2pm. Started to subside around 3:30pm. Completely gone by 5pm.

Mild headaches here and there, nothing major to report. Usually on a Wed/Thu.

Thu 7th sept, started around 11am, kicked in fully around 2:30pm. Never fully went away even after workout, still residual headache at 7:30pm.

Wed 13th sept, started around 10am kicked in fully around 12pm. Went away around workout time 3pm.

Wed 27th sept, started around 11:30am kicked in fully around 12:30pm. Went away 30 mins before workout time ~2:30pm.

Wed 4th oct, mild since noon. Started to kick in around 9:30pm. Drank a Rubophen (500mg paracetamol). Woke up with headache, residual all day Thursday...?

***high fasting glucose levels (6.3mmol/L) in the morning, suspected insulin resistance and high blood glucose levels causing increased urination leading to dehydration hence headaches. So bunching all carbs pre and post workout*** turns out the test trips were expired and giving false readings.

No headache the first week. Tried spreading the carbs out at breakfast again the following week and headache started Tue 24th Oct around 3pm. Kicked in fully around 4:45pm.

Didn't go after workout, full on at 7pm. Still present throughout the night and upon waking on Wed 25th but went around 7:30/8am.

Thu 9th Nov started around 4am (went to pee), woke up with it at 7:20am. (Had a shot of whisky the night before). Went away during workout ~4pm.

Sat 23rd Dec woke up with it (had a Guinness the afternoon before). Stayed all day (even after a workout) and took 400mg ibuprofen at 5:45pm.


Wed 3rd Jan, started around 1pm kicked in fully around 2pm. Went away after workout around 4:30pm

Thu 25th Jan, started around 11:30am, kicked in fully around 2pm.

Thu 15th Feb, started around 2pm, kicked in fully around 5pm. Had to take 400mg ibuprofen around 7pm. Woke up Fri morning with it residual pain, started to kick in fully around 2pm. Drank ~750ml water in one go and 30-60mins later started to feel better. Went to gym around 5pm. Woke up Sat morning with residual pain...

Wed 22nd feb, woke up at 4:15am for a pee with it. Went back to sleep. Woke up at 8:15am still with it, need to pee. Pee'd a lot the afternoon/evening before.... went away during workout around 4:30pm (had an XS refresh)

Wed 28th Mar, stated around 12 noon, didn't fully go away post workout 4:45pm. Still a bit fuzzy at 6:30pm. Continued throughout the evening and into the night. Woke up at 2am for a pee with full on headache. Woke up at 7am and it had almost gone.

***Reduced Omega 3 intake from 4/d to 2/d***

Wed 7th Mar, started around 8:45am very mildly. Never fully kicked in. Went for a coffee and a walk down the beach and felt a little better after. Then went to workout around 3:30 and it went away.

Sat 24th Mar, started around 9am. Never fully kicked in. Drank lots of water. Went away after brunch and a coffee around 12pm.

Wed 28th Mar, started around 8:30am, kicked in fully around 10:30am. Went away during/after workout 4pm.

***stopped taking Omega 3***

Wed 11th Apr, woke up with it at 5:30am needing a wee. Fully kicked in by 7:30am upon wakening. Had a black coffee around 10:30am and headache went away for the most part. Worked out at 11:30am. Still feel a little "heady" but the pain has gone. Woke up the next morning still a little "heady". On and off all day, beginning to intensify by 10:30pm.

*** not been drinking coffee or XS stimulation drinks but had one coffee Thu 31st May and headache from noon the next day (Fri 1st Jun).

*** had a coffee Sat 9th around 1pm. Monday 11th around 9pm headache started mildly. Woke up with full on headache Tue 12th 6am! *** high peeing rate Mon mid afternoon disproportionate to water intake. *** Gone by end of workout 11:30am.

Woke up with it full at 6am on Wed 20th Jun. ***Had a coffee (Volks) Mon 18th around 1pm.*** Had XS pre and peri workout drinks and XS stim, still a residual headache after workout... still full on at 6pm even after 1.5 hours sleep. Had 30min Reiki and within 2 mins headache went from a 9/10 to a 1-2/10

Fri 29th Jun woke up with it 6:15am 8/10. Dropped off a bit after a 15 mins Reiki sesh and sat at about a 4/10. Still there after workout 3/10. Notably more on LS. Residual for the rest of the day, pretty much gone by 11pm.

Wed 4th July, started mildly the night before 10:30pm (3/10), intensified throughout the night (5/10) and woke up with it full on at 8am (10/10). Went away before workout 11am (after XS stim and XS pre)

Wed 18th July started around 3pm. Kicked in fully 5:30pm. No caffeine since Sunday. Still there at 11:30pm but not 100%

Sat 21st July woke up with it around 7am. Kicked in fully at 11:45am. Had an XS on Thu 10am. Had 800g of watermelon on Fri 12pm, high per rate all afternoon.

Thu 6th Sept. started mildly around 4pm (3/10). Intensified by 8pm (7-8/10). Been drinking coffee this week but hadn't had one since Tue around 11am. Kicked in fully (10/10) at 4am woke me up with the pain! Stayed at 10/10 until around 6am. Started to subside around 9am. Gone by 11:30am.

Wed 12th Sept. woke me up around 4am. Kicked in fully by 8:30am. Had coffee and an XS on mon 10th 11am (~41 hours later).

*** CUT OUT COFFEE AND ENERGY DRINKS, there was 60mg in my XS workout drinks***

Wed 3rd Oct. Woke up with it around 6:30am (65hrs after 2 decaf flat whites on Sun) kicked in fully around 9am. Went away around 5:30pm.

*** still off caffeine but had half a tirimissu on Sunday evening 8pm ish***

Wed 17th Oct started around 9:30am, (had half a tirimissu on Sunday evening 8pm ish), residual headiness all day... kicked in fully at 8:30pm. Still full on by 10:30pm so took a Cataflam.

***had an XS refresh drink on Thu 18th 11-12pm & Fri 19th at 10:30-11:30am. No caffeine at all over the weekend***

Wed 24th oct, started very mildly 1-2/10 on waking (7am ish), residual all day intensifying around 3:30pm (5-6/10), down to a 1/10 around 8pm.

***had a coffee Thursday 25th 5pm & on Sat 27th at 10am & Sun 28th 1pm***

***Didn't do any resistance training on the Tue, only 20mins of LISS***

Wed 31st Oct, woke up with it around 7am about 3-4/10. By 10am 8/10. Gone by 2pm (had a coffee at 12:30pm)

Wed 14th Nov, woke up with it 8am (8-9/10) didn't train Mon but did some light upper body stuff on Tue. No direct trap work. Gone around 2pm.

Thu 15th Nov, woke up with it 7am (8-9/10) didn't train Wed. Full on all day but went away between 7-8pm during MAT sesh.

***SUSPECTED HISTAMINE BUILD UP SO STARTED A LOW HISTAMINE DIET ON MON 19th NOV - had a big blowout on Sun 18th. (still eating bread on mon 19th).***

Tue 20th Nov woke up with it a 6am full on 10/10 by 8am! Went away during workout around 12:30pm.

Wed 21st Nov started around 11am, residual all day never fully kicked in. Still there at 11pm.

***stated a low histamine diet***

Thu 13th Dec, went for 3 weeks without headache but woke up today with a mild one (3-4/10) 7:30am. By 10:30 5-6/10. Potential triggers: Didn't drink enough water the day before and was constipated this morning as a result. Also had a choc protein shake the day before around 6:30pm. Kicked in fully around 8pm (10/10). Went to bed with it. Woke up Fri it had gone.

Sun 30th/Mon 31st Dec, started around midnight and throughout the night. Woke up with it full on 10/10 at 8am. Also itching all night and dry mouth, mid back pain (muscles burning) and joint pain (RS wrist and knee). Been eating lots of high histamine foods and some alcohol over the holidays. Went around 6pm.


Tue 1st Jan. Woke up with it 8/10 around 7am. Kicked in fully 10/10 8:30am. Had 3 whiskies the night before.

Tue 8th Jan. Woke up with it 8/10 around 6:30am. Kicked in fully 10/10 around 11am. Started to drop off early afternoon but remained residual through to bedtime at 11pm. Gone by morning.

Fri 25th Jan. Started mildly around 8pm. Kicked in fully at 5am woke up with it. Went away during workout around 11am. Still feeling a little heady.

Sat 2nd Feb. woke up with it at ~4:30am full on. Pretty much gone after workout around 12:30pm.

Thu 21st Feb. woke up with it at ~4am full on. Slept back and when woke up again around 6:50am felt a bit heady still. Kicking in again 8/10 around 12:30pm. Lingered around all day, 6.5/10 at 11pm. Totally gone by morning.

*** had higher histamine foods/drinks tue and wed***

Thu 21st Mar. Started mildly mid morning. Gradually intensified throughout the day fully kicking in around 9pm at a 10/10. Gone by morning but still feeling a bit fuzzy headed.

Tue 2nd Apr. Started mildly mid afternoon. Gradually intensified throughout the day and night fully kicking in upon waking at 6:25am at a 10/10. Very hard day, 3 Skype calls on WiFi.

Wed 22nd May. Started mildly around 11am. Kicked in fully after 9pm. At bedtime 11pm 11/10! Woke up at 6:15am and it was gone. Used mobile phone a lot the weekend prior and the day before.

Wed 12th Jun. Woke up to it at 6am, 9/10, skin very itchy and eyes were very itchy Tue evening. Had 1 whisky on Sat and one on Sun. Ate takeaway (Thai, prawns) on Sun night). Ate Greek yogurt with raspberry and blueberry Tue night. Lasted all day, went to bed with it 8/10. Woke up next morning still residual 3/10. Went away mid morning.

Thu 13th Jun. Started around 10:30pm 5/10 about an hour after eating Greek yogurt with raspberry and blueberry (half the amount as the day before). Went to bed around 11pm. Woke up with it around 6am 7/10. Gone around 8am.

*** on Tue 25th June stopped taking double x due to suspected vitamin A toxicity *** within 36 hours my dry flaky skin on face cleared up completely!

No headache for 5 weeks, then...

Fri 19th July started with a light fuzzyness upon waking in the morning, felt a bit dizzy and disorientated. Headache gradually intensified throughout the day and kicked in fully after 7pm with tinnitus 10/10. Ran out of unflavoured protein so been drinking chocolate protein for 2-3 days. Had XS pre/post workout drinks yesterday and a pork gyros with half a can of Zero Coke on Wed night. Took Double X the Sat and Sun prior. Used MacBook quite a lot the last few days. Had been taking Protexin since the Mon prior. Had to take 400mg Ibuprofen at 9:45pm! Went away during the night but felt slightly heady the next morning 2-3/10. Gradually increased throughout the day getting up to a 6-7/10 but never fully kicking in. Gone by Sunday morning.

Thu 8th Aug, started in the early hours of the morning ~4am, woke up with it full on at 7:30am. Took Double X the Sat and Sun prior. No caffeine or alcohol intake during the week, no excessive EMF exposure (MacBook is now earthed), no untoward dietary changes. The only anomaly was slightly less water drank the day before. Feeling better around 1pm post leg workout.

Wed 21st Aug. Started very mildly (feeling a bit off) around 9am. Gradually building throughout the day. Fully kicked in at 3:30pm. No DX since last time. Very tired and stressed this week. Spent 2.5 hrs next to high EMF radiation Tue morning. Started to get better after food around 4:30pm and gradually improving throughout the evening. Pretty much gone by 10pm.

Wed 25th Sep woke up with it 6am (7/10), gradually intensifying... kicked in fully around 10am. Stared to subside around 5pm, almost gone by 9pm. Slight heady ness by 10:30pm.

Thu 26th Sept woke up with it again at 6am (7/10). Kicked in fully around 11am. Had to take 500mg Paracetamol at 4:30pm. Residual at bedtime 9:45pm.

*** started lower carb higher fat diet on Mon 21st ***

Thu 24th Oct woke up with it at 5:50am (6/10). Kicked in fully around 10am. 10/10 at 5pm so took 375mg Ibuprofen.

*** from Fri 25th Oct started taking Double X again but just once in the morning ***

Wed 30th Oct woke up with it at 6:30am (3/10). Intensifying 6/10 around 9:30am. Kicked in fully around noon 9/10. Then 10/10 by 5pm. Starting to clear around 8pm 5-6/10.

Tue 19th Nov, stared mildly around 8pm (3/10) gradually getting worse to bed time (6/10), kicked in fully during the night ~4am (10/10), disrupted my sleep and woke up with it at 7am still 10/10! Had arrived back from the states on mon 18th. Went away around 3pm. Came back mildly before bed.

Wed 20th Nov, woke up with it full on and had Reiki around 4pm, went down to a 3/10. Went away around 6pm.

***stopped taking O3 on mon 25th Nov***

Wed 4th Dec, woke up 6:15am with mild headache (2/10). Progresses throughout the morning to a 7/10 at noon. Kicked in fully around 3pm 10/10. Went to bed with it 10/10. Woke up next morning 6am 3/10. Fully cleared by 10am.

Tue 10th Dec, started very mildly around 6:30pm (2/10), gradually building to a 5/10 by 10:30pm. Had a shot of whisky around 8pm. Wed 11th woke up with it at 6am at a 7-8/10. Never fully kicked in. Hung around all day. Gone upon waking the next morning.

Tue 17th Dec, woke up with it 3/10 and residual all day. Wed 18th woke up with it 5/10 and kicked in fully around 3pm 10/10.

Mon 30th Dec, started around 10pm. Woke up with it full on around 8am. Haven't trained for 6 days so cannot be attributed to that. Had a reiki treatment around 9:30am, started to subside and completely gone by 11am.


Sun 5th Jan started on plane around 3pm. Kicked in fully around 7pm. Went to bed with it, woke up with it. Still residual around 1:30pm. Wed 8th. Been on and off since! Severe rosacea and tinnitus for the last 2 days (been taking Protexin since Tue 7th; had been on antibiotics until Monday 6th).

*** Saw Dr. Kieran Ali on 15th Jan, diagnose as migraines ***

Wed 22nd Jan woke up with it at 6:20am 8/10. By 10am 6/10. Frequent urination the entire day before. Tension in back of the neck started around 4pm the day before. Had Reiki treatment 10am today (3-4/10 post). By 4:30pm 7-8/10. Lay down for 30 mins ice on eyes. By 5:15pm 8-9/10, took 200mg ibuprofen. 2/10 by 6:30pm. 1/10 by 8pm.

Thu 23rd Jan woke up with it 6:30am 6-7/10. By 7:30am 1/10 but feel a bit heady.

Frequent urination on Mon 27th Jan daytime and during the night (twice).

*** suspected tension headaches from posterior neck muscles. Tried to reduce cervical flexion during MAT treatments ***

Wed 29th woke up with it 6am 8/10. 2-3/10 by 9am but feeling heady. Had a coffee at 9am. Went away around 11am.

*** 1st Feb, started 10 mins morning beach relaxations ***

Wed 5th Feb woke up with it 6:20am 8/10. Did beach routine and after (7:40am) 2/10 heady. Completely gone by 1:30pm.

Tue 11th Feb started around 7pm 2/10. By bedtime 10:30pm 4/10, tinnitus all evening. Woke up with it 7/10 at 6am, tinnitus. By 8 am 3/10 fuzzy head feeling. 11am 6/10 then by 12pm 8-9/10. Had Reiki at 1pm. By 2pm 4/10. Same for rest of the afternoon then completely gone by 7:30pm.

***suspected sodium imbalance, test strips showed normal at the weekend but low during the week. Adding more salt to foods during the week...***

Wed 19th Feb woke up with it at 6:15am 4/10... by 7:30am 2/10. By 8:40am 4/10. By 11:30am (pre workout) 6/10. Post workout 12:30pm 3/10. By 2pm 1.5/10 just posterior neck pain/stiffness.

***deload week the next week (half the volume) and no headache the entire week***

Wed 4th Mar woke up with it at 5:45am but it cleared by 6:15am. Started again (with tension/stiffness in neck) around 9:15am. Increased training volume, Did 3 sets during workouts this week. By 12pm 6-7/10. Had coffee 10am. Trained and had XS refresh. By 6pm 3/10. By 10pm 2/10. Never fully kicked in but posterior neck pain/stiffness and tinnitus all day/evening.

***Back up to full training volume this week 9th Mar, still drinking XS refresh during every workout***

Wed 11th March a bit heady around 9am but no headache. Started developing around 10am (3/10). Trained 12:30-1:30pm. Around 2-3/10 post WO. By 3pm completely gone so never really kicked in.

Wed 18th Mar, woke up with it around 5am (5/10), dropped off to a 3/10 around 7am from then, gradually building to a 6-7/10 by 9am. Had completely gone during training around 1pm.

Fri 20th March woke up with it 8/10 @ 6:15am. Post workout around 12:30pm 3/10. Completely gone by around 4pm. DOMS in upper traps.

*** bodyweight training only - COVID-19 lockdown ***

Thu 16th April, woke up with it 6am full on 8/10. Trained shoulders, chest and triceps pretty hard the morning before. Went away completely by around 6pm.

Thu 7th May woke up with it at 6:30am 7/10. Trained shoulders and triceps pretty hard the morning before. Gradually reduced throughout the day and gone by 6pm.

Wed 20th May woke up with it at 6:30am 7/10. Trained shoulders, chest and triceps pretty hard the morning before. Stayed around a 6-8/10 all day. 2/10 by bedtime. Gone upon waking the next morning.

Thu 11th Jun, started around 12pm 3/10, kicked it fully around 3:30pm 8/10. Had a tough pull workout the day before and lower back RS hurts today.

Wed 24th Jun, started around 9am. Full on by 1pm. Did tough upper body pull day the day before. Went to bed with it. Woke up OK.

Fri 26th Jun, woke up with it 6:15am full on. Did tough push day the day before.

Thu 30th Jul, started around 10am, came on quickly and kicked in fully around 11:30am. Did a full upper body workout yesterday. Full on all day. Went to bed with it 4/10. Woke up with it 3/10.

Wed 23rd Sept, woke up with it 5:30am 9/10. By 11:30am 10/10 (skipped training). Dropped to 6/10 by bedtime. Woke up with it Thus 10/10! Gone by 10am, just a fuzzy head remaining. Did lower body strength workout the day before.

Wed 7th Oct, started mid afternoon mildly and built to a 7/10 by bedtime. Woke up with it at 6:30am full on 10/10. Did lower body strength workout the day before.

Wed 14th Oct started mildly around 4pm. Went to bed around a 6/10. Woke up with it at 6am full on 10/10. Did upper body strength workout the day before.

Fri 13th Nov started around 3:30pm after seeing black dots around 3pm. Kicked in fully by around 8pm. Went to bed with it 9/10 at 10:50pm. Did upper body Hypertrophy workout the day before.

Wed 9th Dec started around 1pm but felt a big heady and aggy since waking up. (The day before felt aggy all day). Progressively getting more painful throughout the afternoon and 10/10 by 4:30pm. Did a tough upper body ISO workout the day before with a few new exercises thrown in. Did solarium Tue afternoon.


Wed 3rd Mar woke up with it 5/10. Build throughout the day but didn't get past an 7/10. Gone upon waking the next morning.

Wed 17th Mar woke up with it 7/10 at 6:15am. By 7am 8/10 + tinnitus. Did double the volume on Monday's upper body workout after the deload the week before. Could feel the neck muscles uncomfortable during the session. Down to a 1-2/10 by 5:30pm. Pretty much Gone by 9pm, just residual.

Tue 30th Mar stared mid afternoon and by bedtime 7/10. Woke up Wed 10/10. Didn't train Monday. Did lower body ISO Tue morning (leg press straining upper traps?). Still there most of Wed only clearing around 7pm.

Wed 21st Apr started feeling a little "off" and anxious around 7:30am( HRV-R 5). Headache started around 12pm. Kicked in fully around 5pm, 10/10 by 6pm! Still 10/10 at 11pm! Gone by morning. Did tough upper body sesh Mon and moderately hard lower body ISO sesh tue.

Fri 23rd Apr started around 4-5am, woke up with it 10/10 at 6am. HRV-R6P Thu morning so dropped a set on each exercise during lower body sesh. Full on all day, went to beach between 3-4pm and by 4pm headache had gone.

Wed 12th May woke up with it 10/10. Did full upper body workout mon and lower body ISOs tue. Haven't done qigong for a few weeks.

Sun 16th May woke up with it 10/10. Did full upper body workout on Fri.

Sat 29th May woke up a bit heady. Gradually got worse and kicked in fully by 12:30pm. Did hard upper body workout Fri (minus push-ups and rows).

Wed 23rd Jun started around 8pm, went to be 10:30pm was around 4/10. Woke up with it 8/10 at 6:45am. By 8am 10/10.

Thu 16th Sep, woke up with it 7am 8/10. Kicked in fully around 1pm 10/10. Took 200mg ibuprofen. Only had half a workout the day before. Went to bed at midnight. Didn't sleep great. Drank 2 shots of M&S 0% alc. rum in evening. Felt nasally congested. Haven't been drinking caffeine for a month or so.

Tue 20th Sep, started mildly around 8pm 3-4/10. Woke up with it Wed 9/10 at 6:30am. Had 6 days off training then trained for the first time on Tue morning (MSK upper body). Long walk to the beach, had a caffeinated coffee and sun bathed and it went away around 1pm.

Fri 25th Sep, started mildly around 8pm. Woke up with it Sat 26th full on 9/10. Trained upper body (dynamic) Fri morning for first time in over a week.

Fri 29th Oct, started rapidly around 9:30am. Did lower body/core ISO the day before. Had to cut today's workout short and didn't feel any better afterwards. Went to bed with it 10/10. Woke up with it 4/10.

*** started drinking XS Refresh during workouts again ***

Wed 3rd Nov, woke up with it mildly 2/10. By 2pm 7/10. Did stiff legged DL the day before. Mid/upper traps definitely feels as they've worked (DOMS). Still there throughout Thursday. Gone upon waking Friday morning. It was new moon

Fri 19th Nov, came in during the night. Woke up with it 10/10 at 5am. It was full moon. Didn't train on the Thursday. Upper body workout on the Wed prior.

Wed 24th Nov, woke up with it at 6:30am 6/10. Moon 79% waning. Training UB hard on Mon and LB hard yesterday. 8/10 by 10am. Went away during workout. Post workout just a foggyness.

*** Sat 27th Nov 2021, started sleeping under an EMF shielded blanket *** Haven't had to pee during the night since (11 consecutive nights). On the night of the 8/12 & 10/12 had to pee at 4:44am and 4:38 (ejaculated at 10pm; felt a bit aggy when went to bed - an hour earlier; restless; hives. Ejaculated twice and went to bed an hour earlier). On 11/12 had to pee at 5am; went to bed 11:30pm but had alcohol. On 12/12 had to pee at 3:34am; went to bed 10:44pm, no alcohol, but eat soup for dinner.). On 16/12 at 4:46am (no bath). On 17/12 at 4:46am (no bath, multiple orgasms throughout the day). On 20/12 at 3:45am & 5am (bath + ejac). 21/12 4:55am (no bath/shower, no orgsm/ejac, more water in 2nd half of day). 23/12 2:53am (no bath or orgasms). 24/12 3:30am (no bath, no ejac). 25/12 1.44am & 5:19am (no bath, no orgasm. Alcohol). 26/12 1:41am & 6:30am (no bath, no alcohol. 1 orgasm). 5/1 4:50am (bath, no orgasms, migraine). 7/1 2:30am (didn't pee before bed). 12/1 3am (ate late). 13/1 4am (ate late, drank alcohol, 1 orgasm). 24/1 3:55am (bath). 3/2 4:42am (several orgasms + ejac, bath). 5/2 2:37am. 6/2 4:47 (had 2 small beers). 7/2 3:25am (ate late). 11/2 1:30 & 4:30 (no EMF sheet), 12/2 4:19 (no EMF sheet). 13/2 2:56. 15/2 3:50am. 16/2 1:48 (1 orgasm, ate late). 212 2:53am. 23/2 2.49am (ejaculated). 25/2 1:56am (ejaculated). 2/3 1:46 & 5:16. 3/3 5:15am (ejaculated). 4/3 5:45. 7/3 12:07 & 2am (1 orgasm + 1 ejac). 11/3 1:05am.

Thu 9th Dec. started around 9am. Kicked in fully around 2pm (8-9/10) built throughout the day and by 10pm hit an 11/10!!! Was present during that night and woke up the next morning 7/10. Tough Leg Day Tue and Upper Body day Wed.

***21/12/21: Started treating scapula muscles***

Fri 24th Dec. feeling "fuzzy" most of the day. Woke up on 25th 7am 10/10! Hard upper body workout on Thu 23rd. Gone by 1pm.


wed 5th Jan, woke up with it 6am 7/10. Gradually building throughout the day 8/10 by 3pm. 10/10 by 11pm. Woke up the next day 10/10 still! Gone by 9:30am.

Sun 9th & 10th Jan residual headache 5/10 despite no training. 7/10 by 10pm on Mon 9th...

Thu 27th Jan woke up with it 6:30am 7/10. By 11:30am 8.5/10 and feeling slightly nauseous due to the head pain. Trained upper body the morning before with an increase in volume of 1 set per exercise over the week before. 10/10 by 7pm! Still 10/10 at bedtime. Gone the next morning upon waking.

Fri 18th feb, woke up with it 10/10 at 5am. Hadn't trained the day before but felt lower neck/mid-upper thoracic muscle strain the evening before. 10/10 and unbearable at 11:30am so took 200mg ibuprofen + 12mg codeine. Gone by 2pm.

Wed 2nd mar, stared around 9am 3/10. Got to about 6/10 by 2pm. Drank and XS refresh and gone by 3:30pm. Trained Legs the day before using harness for deadlifts.

Wed 9th mar, started mildly around 5pm (2/10). Gradually developed throughout the evening. At 10:50pm 7/10. Trained Legs the day before using harness for deadlifts. Woke up at 5:55am 10/10! At 7am feeling nauseous. Took 2 x CBD capsules at 8am and headache reduced to 5/10 by 10:30am. By noon 3.5/10. Gone by 2pm.


Wed 20th April, started around 1pm. Fairly residual all day never fully kicked in; 6/10 by bedtime 10:45pm. Woke up next morning and had gone.

Thu 28th April, woke up with it 6am 6/10. 8/10 by 11:30am. Trained and went away during workout. Came back slightly by 6pm 1-2/10.

***COVID from 9th - 16th June 2022***

Fri 17th Jun started suddenly (10/10) around 5pm and lasted until early afternoon the next day despite taking 2 paracetamol.

Wed 22nd Jun woke up with it 6:15am 10/10. By noon 6-7/10. By 6pm 1/10. Same by bedtime.

Thu 30th jun started around 10pm 6/10. Woke up 6:30am 10/10!

Mon 11th July, started around bed time 2/10 felt restless, couldn't get to sleep, could hear my heart beat in my right ear when ear plug was in. Woke up with it the next morning 6:30am 6/10.

Wed 31st Aug, woke up with it around 7am 3/10. By 12:30pm 7/10 (workout didn't clear it). By 4:30pm 9/10. By 7pm 10/10! Went to bed with it 7/10. Gone upon waking in the morning.

Tue 20th Sep, started around 4:30pm. Kicked in 8/10 by 8:30pm. Went to bed with it. 10/10 during the night and waking up 6:30am. Reduced throughout the day but got worse again by the evening. 9/10 during the night. Woke up the next morning and it was gone.

Thu 20th Oct, woke up with it 6:30am 8/10.

Thu 24th Nov, started around 10pm 3/10. Woke up with it on the 25th 6:30am 8/10. Went away towards end of workout around noon. Now just a bit "fuzzy" 2/10.


Thu 12th Jan, started mildly around 8pm. Woke up with it on Friday 13th 10/10 at 6am! 8/10 by 8:30am. Went away half way though workout. Didn't come back afterwards.

Fri 3rd Feb, started mildly around 11am. Gradually building throughout the day kicking in full around 6:30pm (8-9/10).

Sat 4th Mar, woke up with it 6:30am 7/10. 10/10 by 1:30pm. Trained legs yesterday (ISO) first leg workout in a week. Went away around 5pm after a few beers and an orgasm!

Wed 29th Mar, started around 9:30am 2/10. By 12:30pm 6-7/10. Kicked in fully 10/10 at 3pm. By 7pm 11/10! Still 11/10 by bedtime. Woke up with it the next morning 10/10. Gradually reduced throughout the next day reaching 2/10 by bedtime. Woke up the next morning fine.

Thu 6th April, woke up with it 6:30am 6-7/10. Kicked in fully by 11:30am. Started getting better around 2:30pm… 2/10 by 4pm.

Wed 10th May, woke up with it 6:30am 4/10. Gradually increased throughout the day. Kicked in fully by 8pm. Woke up with it the next morning 6:50am 6/10. By 7:30am 2/10.

Fri 8th Sep, started in the evening, built through the night and kicked in 10/10 upon waking the next morning around 7am. Gone by 11:45am. Had first upper body ISO workout for 3 weeks on the Friday plus 4 hrs of MAT that day which likely triggered it.

Sat 16th Sep, woke up with it 10/10. Gone by 1:30pm. Had 3 hrs of MAT Fri plus upper body workout.

Thu 7th Dec, starting during NRT session and progressed over the next few hours. Went away my the morning but gradually game back throughout the day, kicking in at 6:30pm 8/10.

*** Did a full cervical reset with NRT on 11/12/23 ***


Sat 13th Jan. Woke up with it 6am 6/10. By 11:30am 7-8/10. Trained upper body ISOs the day before after 1 week off. Completely gone by 2pm. Blood sugar tanked just after 1:30pm and that's when my headache started to clear. 🤔

Wed 24th Jan, woke up with it 7am around 4/10. By 11:30am 8-9/10. Performed a ROM system check and had 5-10° more range both sides. Did a fist clench and range dropped back to the usual (45° R, 50° L). Headache felt slightly less (6/10). By 2:30pm back up to 9/10.

Fri 26th Jan, started late evening and woke up with it at 7am 7/10 the next morning. 9/10 by 9am. Performed a ROM system check and had 15° LESS range RS and 10° LESS range LS. Did a fist clench and range dropped back to the usual (45° R, 50° L) and headache now 6/10. Did 6hrs of NRT on the Friday and lower back felt back after that.

Fri 9th Feb, woke up with it at 6am 7/10. 8/10 by 9:30am. Performed a ROM system check and had 12° LESS range RS and 18° LESS range LS. Left hip been feeling jammed up yesterday and today and lower back feeling tight, painful and vulnerable. Also got bloated after meal 3 yesterday for no apparent reason. Did some fist clenches and range increased by 50% back to the usual and headache now 5/10. Did an upper body ISO workout and performance was worse than normal. But headache gone by the end of the workout and ROM system check back to normal (45° R, 50° L).

Tue 13th Feb, started mildly (as always) 2/10 early afternoon. System was down (10° less both sides) first thing in the morning. Had an early PT client (7:30-9am). By 10am was still in a freeze state so didn't train legs and just rested instead. Did some NRT "mind" work and lower back LS showed up (yellow caution signs ⚠️). System didn't change. Went for a walk, did some grocery shopping and system recovered by noon. Headache began to develop and hour or so after this and gradually increased throughout the rest of the day to a 5/10 by bedtime. ROM remained good all the way to bedtime. Woke up on the 14th 10/10! And ROM had dropped off by 10° less both sides. Had a PT client 8-9am at the gym and at 9:30am system ROM is back to baseline and headache now a 1-2/10 (more of a residual "fuzzy" feeling).

Sun 18th Feb, started around 9:30pm. Had a weekend of junk food, overeating and alcohol! Stomach pain in the evening and during the first half of the night. Woke up with migraines 9/10 at 7am Mon. ROM normal. By 12:30pm 10/10. ROM still normal. By bedtime 3/10. Woke up Tue around 3/10 still. Reset both SI joints. Still a 1-2/10 by bedtime! Woke up with it Wed 21st 7am, 6/10, system down. Possible the longest headache on record! Tapered off to a 2/10 mid morning but returned early evening and until bedtime 6-7/10. Woke up on Thur 22nd 8-9/10. System shutdown. Skipped Leg Day, had a sleep instead. 9/10 all day until carried bike up stairs at 3:15pm and by 3:45pm down to a 1-2/10.

Sun 17th Mar, woke up with it. Thought it was a hangover but persisted all day. Woke up with it Monday 18th, has sex and it cleared. But came back around 10:30am. Kicked in fully by 7pm 9/10. By 9:30pm 10/10! Woke up Tuesday and it had gone but was in a dorsal vagal freeze state (10° less ROM both sides). LS ankle was jammed up walking.

Fri 22nd Mar, woke up in a freeze state. Been battling with a freeze state all day. Hands have been cold all day. Didn't train. Headache started around 7:30pm 2/10 but not in a freeze state (ROM normal). 6-7/10 by bedtime. Woke up and it had gone but system was shutdown (likely a flop state due to the high amoubt of elbow flexion achieved and super weak in the finger test, but didn't test ROM standing).

Sat 13th April, woke up with it 7am 4/10. By 10:30am 7-8/10. Had 1 shot of Unicum the evening before. Was in a DV flop at bedtime and first thing upon waking.

Sat 20th April, woke up with it 7am 4/10. By 3pm 9/10. Wasn't in a flop at bedtime or upon waking. Had a Turkish coffee at 1pm on Thursday. Had a beer and a curry around 5pm and headache went away afterwards. Was in a freeze state by bedtime. Recovered the system before bed but woke up the next morning in a freeze (-10°), no headache.

Tue 30th Apr, woke up with it 6:40am 8/10. System was shutdown upon waking (finger test [could have been a false positive if done supine]). Did the cat, had a poo then tested the system (ROM) and was OK, 7/10 now. Worked out (legs), went down to 5/10. Went to solarium, went down to 3/10. By 4:30pm it had gone.

Mon 20th May, started mildly around 1pm. 8/10 by 8pm. Had a bath. By 11pm 3/10.

Tue 4th Jun, started early afternoon and got progressively worse but never fully kicked in (7/10). Woke up and the next morning and it was gone.

Thu 29th Aug, woke up with it 10/10. Spent a considerable amount of time yesterday pruning body hair with the clippers (lots of end range neck flexion and extension). Plus an upper body workout. Had 3 beers on Tuesday evening. Still a 10/10 at 7pm. Checked system and in a freeze state 5° each side. Did the Feel Calm breathing exercise in the State app around 8pm and ROM back to baseline and headache now a 7/10. Had a hot bath. Still a 8/10 at bedtime 11pm. Woke up the next morning 1/10.

Mon 21st Oct. started mildly around 7:30pm. By 9:30pm 7-8/10. By 10:40pm 5/10. Gone upon waking the next morning.

Sat 25th Oct. Started around 9:30am 2/10. By 12:30 6/10. Didn't workout for the 2 days prior. Did 5.5 hrs NRT with Tim the day before. Woke up at 3am wide awake. Took about an hour to get back to sleep. 9/10 by 10pm. During the night it developed to an 11/10! Couldn't sleep due to the pain. Had to Reiki treat myself. Woke up around 6am 9/10.

Friday 15th Nov, started around 4:30pm. Kicked in fully by 8:30pm, 10/10 by 10pm.

Sat 21st Dec. woke up with it mildly at 7am (2/10). Gradually built until fully kicked in around 5pm (9/10). By bedtime come down a bit to a 6/10. Completely gone upon waking the next morning, and actually woke up feeling good for the first time in a while!


Sun 5th Jan. Woke up with it. Was gone by the next morning. Did 4 hours of baking the day before (peeling hazelnuts for an hours with the head down!)

Wed 8th Jan. Woke up with it 7/10. Kicked in fully by 12pm 9/10. By 2:30pm 10/10 and tinnitus. Trained legs at gym yesterday.

***FUE operation — 21st Jan***

Fri 31st Jan. Woke up feeling groggy and in a bad mood, no headache. Had a stressful tiring day (tax return). Feeling a little heady around mid afternoon. Kicked in fully by 5:30am 10/10. Felt nauseous. At 8am glucose 6.1, ketones 0.2. Took an ibuprofen.